(by Janelle de Souza, Trinidad & Tobago News, 28th February 2021)
The Freemasons have been shrouded in mystery since the organisation’s inception. The TT chapter is no different, although its members often laugh at or are disgusted by the rumours that surround their brotherhood. Some of the rumours say the Freemasons brand members when they join, participate in blood sacrifices, sleep in coffins, are a religious cult, or cut out members’ tongues when they die. This is not true, said Courtney WT Browne, district deputy grandmaster of the 8th Masonic District of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. “I have been in this game almost 45 years and I have never experienced any of the things I hear some people talking about,” he told Sunday Newsday. Asked why he thought Freemasonry had so many negative connotations, Keiron Regis, worshipful master of Alpha Lodge No 20 of the 8th Masonic District, said…
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