Wyoming/U.S. – 163rd Wyoming Masonic Installation

US - 163rd Wyoming Masonic Installation

(by James Orgettas, Patch, September 29, 2019)


For 163 years Wyoming lodge of the Massachusetts Freemasons has been a staple in the Melrose Community. On Saturday, September 28, 2019 the lodge held its annual Installation of Officers. This event marked the new volunteer year traditionally running from September to August.
The Masons welcomed David Fletcher as Wyoming’s Worshipful Master. The term Worshipful is borrowed from old English meaning revered. Brother Fletcher of Melrose is the president of the Masonic Council with Alex Li of Reading and Douglas Murphy also of Melrose.
The Freemasons are the world’s oldest fraternity. To join you must be born a male, be over 18 years of age, have a belief in God (a religious foundation) and be a peaceable citizen. Masonry, as it is often referred to, is focused on…

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US - 163rd Wyoming Masonic Installation



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