(by Christopher Hodapp, Freemasons for Dummies, July 30, 2020)
There is a post-script to Wednesday’s Masonic funeral service for U.S. Congressman John Lewis in Atlanta. Before the service began, the brethren filed in, and Prince Hall Grand Master Corey B. Shackleford introduced the honored Masonic visitors. In addition to the large number of Masons from the MW Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Georgia, there was the Grand Master of the MWPHGL of Tennessee L. Lamont Banks.
And representing the Grand Lodge of Georgia F&AM were Most Worshipful Grand Master Johnie M. Garmon, Senior Grand Warden Donald C. Combs, and Grand Tyler William T. White.
In the Scottish Rite, the motto and message of the 14th degree is “Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit – Whom Virtue Unites, Death Cannot Separate.” My Latin is truly miserable, so I’ll leave it to others to adequately recaption this story as …
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