(by Virginian Review Staff, Virginian Review, March 17, 2023)
Clifton Forge Masonic Lodge No. 166 welcomes new Master Mason to membership. Brother Benjamin Alan Meadows received the degree of Entered Apprentice, passed to the degree of Fellow craft, and Raised to Master Mason.
Brother Meadows chose the path in his masonic journey to advance each degree with the memorization of the catechisms. Right Worshipful Gleen Jones was his mentor and coach.
The master mason degree work and lecture were performed by RW Jones. RW Bill Parks presented a poem program on the three degrees and importance to masons, also read the charge. RW Glen Bryant presented a program on
The Holy Bible as he presented to Brother Meadows and instructed him that all questions and answers to moral and spiritual living was in…
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The master mason degree work and lecture were performed by RW Jones. RW Bill Parks presented a poem program on the three degrees and importance to masons, also read the charge. RW Glen Bryant presented a program on
The Holy Bible as he presented to Brother Meadows and instructed him that all questions and answers to moral and spiritual living was in…
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