Washington State/U.S. – Freemasons held ceremony at Mausoleum near Roche Harbor

Washington State/U.S. - Freemasons held ceremony at Mausoleum near Roche Harbor

(by editorial board, San Juan Islander, 25th May 2022)


John Wickham, with the assistance of four lecturers and a number of officers, conferred the Second Degree on a candidate from Goldstream Lodge No. 161 of Langford, B.C. and a candidate from San Juan Lodge, as is the tradition. The Mausoleum was built, in part, to exemplify the Second Degree Masonic teachings on architecture, the five human senses, and the liberal arts and sciences, particularly geometry. The Lodge extends its thanks to the Roche Harbor Resort for the access to conduct this private event once each May since 1967. The Freemasons are perhaps the world’s oldest fraternity, working to make good men better, sinceā€¦

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Washington State/U.S. - Freemasons held ceremony at Mausoleum near Roche Harbor


Washington State/U.S. - Freemasons held ceremony at Mausoleum near Roche Harbor

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