West Wales – Freemasons donation to Shalom House Hospice
(by Becky Hotchin, Western Telegraph, 26th February 2022) A £1,000 grant to Shalom House Hospice from the West Wales […]
West Wales – Freemasons award grant to Paul Sartori Hospice at Home
(by Ruth Davies, Western Telegraph, 25th February 2022) West Wales Freemasons have once again chosen Paul Sartori Hospice at […]
West Wales – Freemasons fund new bike for local charity
(by editorial board, South Wales Guardian, 25th October, 2020) THOUSANDS of patients in hospitals across the region who rely […]
England and Wales – Freemasons provide 120,000 people with 300,000 meals and 38 tonnes of food
(by editorial board, Charity Today, June 08, 2020) WITH many families struggling to put food on the table Freemasons […]
Lancashire/England – Freemasons raise more than £1million to support those affected by the coronavirus pandemic
(by Danielle Thompson, Champion, May, 2020) FREEMASONS have raised more than £1million to support those affected by the coronavirus […]
West Wales – Freemasons deliver £10,000 worth of goods to Charities
(by Observer Reporter, Tenby Observer, May 15, 2020) The West Wales Freemasons have delivered £10,000 worth of goods to […]
Provincial Grand Master
A. James Ross
Provincial Grand Secretary
Anthony C. Trumper
1 Manor Way
SA31 3RL
Tel: 01267 243402