Kansas Fremasons

Kansas Fremasons

The Grand Lodge of Kansas Ancient Free & Accepted Masons is the governing body that supervise Freemasonry in the U.S. state of Kansas. The Grand Lodge of Kansas is headquartered in Emporia, Kansas.

In 1854, three Wyandot Indians and five white settlers – all of whom were Masons – coalesced in what is now Wyandotte County, Kansas, and petitioned the Grand Lodge of Missouri to establish a Lodge of Masons in a Wyandot Indian village. On August 4, 1854, the dispensation was granted and one week later Kansas Lodge U.D. (eventually to become Wyandotte Lodge No. 3) opened for work. Within two years, two other lodges in Kansas were formed and in 1856 the trio formed the Grand Lodge of Kansas as America’s Civil War loomed.

Notably, the first master of Kansas Lodge U.D. was John Milton Chivington, a Methodist missionary to the Wyandot and a vocal opponent of slavery. Chivington left Kansas in 1860, became an officer in the Union army and was later celebrated as a hero for his part in the Battle of Glorieta Pass (1862). His orchestration of the Sand Creek Massacre (1864), however, earned him universal condemnation and ultimately made him infamous.

In the early years of the Grand Lodge, they pledged support to the advancement of Freemasonry in Tasmania and New Zealand.

The Lodge is led by a Grand Master who is elected to serve a one year term at the annual meeting, held in March of each year. Other officers elected by the membership include Deputy Grand Master, Grand Senior and Junior Wardens, Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer.

the source/read more: Wikipedia

RSS Kansas Freemasons
  • 2022 Schools of Instruction Announced May 24, 2022
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  • Schedule for the 166th Annual Communication Announced January 26, 2022
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  • 2021 Schools of Instruction Announced August 13, 2021
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  • Cancellation of the 2020 Schools of Instruction Announced August 9, 2020
    Friday, August 7, 2020 Brother, The Council of Administration, our advisors, and our Ritualistic Committee and I have been following closely the rapidly changing Covid-19 pandemic responses in our state and local governments. There has not been a significant reduction in cases for our state and many counties to have confidence to open public schools […]
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  • Kansas Grand Lodge Facebook Feed August 8, 2020
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  • Cancellation of the 2020 Grand Master’s Reception – June 12, 2020
    Due to the increase in COVID-19 cases and out of an abundance of concern for the safety of our Brothers, friends, and families, The Grand Master has announced the cancellation of his GRAND MASTER’S RECEPTION Which was to be held 25 July 2020. Location – The Old Centerville Pump House 4311 West 1325 Road, Centerville, […]
    Alex Powers
  • The Grand Master Issues an Edict to Resuming Labor in Kansas May 27, 2020
    Commencing on July 1, 2020, all Kansas Lodges may resume Masonic Meetings, (Stated or Special communications), however, all Lodges will be restricted to opening only on the First Degree of Masonry and all state and local restrictions relative to COVID-19 will be followed. Full Edict Here  
    Alex Powers
  • The Grand Master issues Edicts Postponing the Annual Communication and Suspending all in-person Masonic Meetings, Degree Work, and all Masonic Community Events March 21, 2020
    Out of an abundance of caution and concern for the safety and wellbeing of our Brothers, their families, and their communities, Grand Master Tony Borum has issued the following edicts. __________________________________ Suspension of all in-person Masonic Meetings, Degree Work, and all Masonic Community Events __________________________________ Postponement of the 164th Annual Communication __________________________________
    Alex Powers
  • Installation of your 2020-21 Grand Lodge Officers March 21, 2020
    In conformance with and under the authority of the Constitution and By-laws of our Jurisdiction, on Friday, March 20th, 2020, at the Grand Lodge building in Topeka, Grand Master Delmus  R. “Dale” Morrow formally turn over the leadership role as Grand Master to Deputy Grand Master Anthony W. “Tony” Borum. Brother Borum was duly elected […]
    Alex Powers
  • 164th Annual Communication Postponed March 19, 2020
    It is with a heavy heart and out of an abundance of caution and concern for the safety and wellbeing of our Brothers, their families, and their communities, that our Grand Master, M.W. Dale Morrow, with the full support of your Council of Administration and the leadership of our Grand Lodge, has determined that the […]
    Alex Powers


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Grand Lodge of Kansas A.F. & A.M.

25 W 5th Avenue

Emporia, Kansas 66801-4035

Telephone: (785) 234.5518

Facsimile: (785) 357.4036

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