The first Lodge of Freemasons in the Mississippi territory was established by the Grand Lodge of Kentucky in Natchez on October 16, 1801. It was called Harmony Lodge. The second and third Lodges in Mississippi were chartered by the Grand Lodge of Tennessee. The first was chartered on August 2, 1816, and was also located in Natchez. It was named after Andrew Jackson. The second was chartered on April 19, 1817, in Port Gibson and was named after George Washington. In 1818, a year after Mississippi was admitted to the Union as the 20th state, these three Lodges, Harmony, Jackson and Washington formed the Grand Lodge of Mississippi.
In 1910, the Grand Lodge of Mississippi reorganized its Masonic home in Meridian to accommodate children and orphans of indigent Brothers. Eleven years later it opened a second home for boys in Columbus. By 1996, the homes were closed, but over its 88 years they cared for more than 1,000 children.
Today, Grand Master Randy W. Glover presides over 222 local Lodges and more than 11,800 Brothers. The Grand Lodge supports many charities and local community projects.
Among the many honored members of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi include: US Senators John Stennis and Trent Lott, Governor William Winter, and the Father of Country Music, Jimmy Rogers.
Most Worshipful Bro. Randy W. Glover, Grand Master
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The Grand Lodge of Mississippi F∴ & A∴ M∴
- 2025 Grand Lodge Annual Communication December 19, 2024This is an official Grand Lodge Communication (See Digest §23-1.1 [40]) TO: Grand Lodge Officers, Past Grand Masters, Honorary Past Grand Masters, Committee Members, D.D.G.L.’s, Ten Year D.D.G.L.’s, and Subordinate Lodge Secretaries: Dear Brethren: Our Most Worshipful Grand Master, Jerry Lee Lewis, would like to cordially invite all Masons to attend the 207th Annual Communication […]Lane Dossett
- Echoes of Enthusiasm July 4, 2024Now Available! The 2019 – 2020 Masonic year was one of unparalleled enthusiasm for Freemasonry in Mississippi. This book was assembled from internet posts submitted throughout that year. Some of the articles enjoyed thousands of views, with dozens of comments and shares. The Mississippi Grand Lodge Internet Committee hopes that you will find encouragement from […]Lane Dossett
- Congratulations to the newly elected 2024-2025 York Rite Officers! May 18, 2024Grand Chapter Grand Council Grand Commandary The post Congratulations to the newly elected 2024-2025 York Rite Officers! appeared first on The Grand Lodge of Mississippi F∴ & A∴ M∴.Lane Dossett
- Homer E. Sullivan, Jr. April 24, 2024Past Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Mississippi 1996-1997 Homer Elton Sullivan Jr. was born on March 12, 1937, in Mount Olive to Homer Elton Sullivan Sr. and Carrie Lee Sullivan. He passed to his heavenly home on April 6, 2024. He was a member of the Mt. Olive Methodist Church. Bro. Sullivan graduated from Mt. […]Lane Dossett
- JAMES MORRIS WARD April 11, 2024ME GRAND MASTER Grand Encampment of Knights Templar 1997-2000 Sir Knight James Morris Ward was born on August 10, 1930, in Dyersburg, Tennessee. The son of Thomas Henry and Lucile Bell Ward, he obtained his early education in the public schools of Dyersburg, graduating from high school in 1948. He attended the University of Mississippi […]Lane Dossett
- Congratulations to our new Grand Lodge Officers! March 11, 2024Click here to see the new Grand Lodge Officers. The post Congratulations to our new Grand Lodge Officers! appeared first on The Grand Lodge of Mississippi F∴ & A∴ M∴.Lane Dossett
- 2024 Grand Lodge Annual Communication January 2, 2024This is an official Grand Lodge Communication (See Digest §23-1.1 [40]) TO: Grand Lodge Officers, Past Grand Masters, Honorary Past Grand Masters, Committee Members, D.D.G.L.’s, Ten Year D.D.G.L.’s, and Subordinate Lodge Secretaries: Dear Brethren: Our Most Worshipful Grand Master, Stephen E. Yon, would like to cordially invite all Masons to attend the 206th Annual Communication […]Lane Dossett
- Cornerstone Academy Coming Soon! October 22, 2023The Mississippi Lodge of Research and Education and the Grand Lodge Education Committee are excited to announce that they are in the final stages of beta testing of an online educational portal specifically geared toward Mississippi Freemasons that will be hosted on Grandview. This platform, dubbed the “Cornerstone Academy,” will consist of multiple modules, added over time, […]Lane Dossett
- Emerging Leaders Program April 12, 2023Sponsored by the Grand Lodge of Mississippi F. & A. M. Education Committee and the Mississippi Lodge of Research and Education DCXL Continuing to recognize the need to prepare a core group of leaders for Freemasonry, the Education Committee and Mississippi Lodge of Research and Education DCXL are providing this current version of leadership training […]Lane Dossett
- Congratulations and Welcome to the 2023 Grand Lodge Officers! March 21, 2023The post Congratulations and Welcome to the 2023 Grand Lodge Officers! appeared first on The Grand Lodge of Mississippi F∴ & A∴ M∴.Lane Dossett
- 2023 Grand Lodge Session Agenda March 15, 2023(click here to download a pdf of the agenda) Sheraton Flowood – Refuge Hotel and Conference Center THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 2023 7:00A Registration for Representatives, Past Masters and Others – Credentials Desk8:00A Exemplification of Three Degrees – Grand Ball Room Jason Jefcoat, PGM, Grand Lecturer DDGL’s – Board of Custodians10:00A Foundation Board of Directors, Finance […]Lane Dossett
- How to Conduct a Lodge Audit March 15, 2023Often, Lodge audit reports are hurriedly put together shortly before Officer Installation Ceremonies. As a result, the integrity of the process may not be adequately fulfilled, and little useful information is provided to the Lodge. This guide, provided by the Grand Lodge Education Committee, is designed to provide information and education on better practices, including […]Lane Dossett
- Investigation Committee Resource Guide March 7, 2023Click here to download the Resource Guide Fulfilling our roles as “Guardians of the West Gate” is an import aspect of a healthy Lodge and Fraternity, perhaps more than ever. The art of interviewing is a valuable skill. Many are already familiar with the Education Committee’s Investigative Form, which provides sample questions and a format […]Lane Dossett
- Ritual Vocabulary & Glossary February 28, 2023Have you ever been sitting in lodge and heard “imprecations,” only to think, “That’s a funny way to say implications…I wonder if that’s another one of those Mississippications for ‘of’: ‘uhv’ versus ‘ahv'”?! Have you ever wondered why Lodges stress the importance of signing your dues cards in person? Ne varietur is the reason. Ne […]Lane Dossett
- Masonic Etiquette February 25, 2023Promoting a deeper understandingof Masonic Etiquette in the Practice of Mississippi MasonryGrand Lodge of Mississippi Education CommitteeFebruary 2023 The following guide is available as a pdf file under the “Education,” “Education Publications” pull-down menus from the website’s homepage or may downloaded by clicking here. There is a distinction to be made as to what constitutes […]Lane Dossett
- Williams Digest of Laws February 20, 2023Williams Digest of Laws has been updated through the 2021 Grand Lodge Session. Changes for the 2022 Session will be updated when proceeds are approved at the upcoming Grand Lodge. Williams Digest of Laws The post Williams Digest of Laws appeared first on The Grand Lodge of Mississippi F∴ & A∴ M∴.Lane Dossett
- Wardens Columns: Part 2 (Practical) February 20, 2023In Part 1 of this presentation, the focus was on the theoretical basis and some background on the uses of columns and pillars was discussed from the symbolic, historical, mythological, and religious context. The focus In Part 2 will be on the practical applications and the conclusion of our research. For those not having read […]Lane Dossett
- Wardens Columns: Part 1 (Theory) February 20, 2023The Mississippi Lodge of Research and Education DCXL will have its next Stated Communication, Friday, December 2 at 7 pm at the Jackson York Rite Building. All Mississippi Master Masons are invited to attend and view the latest acquisition in our attempt to “get back to the old customs.” (1) During the education component of […]Lane Dossett
- St John the Baptist Day/Stated Communication/June 24, 2022 February 20, 2023Solstices and Equinoxes: What they represent to Mississippi Masons The longest day in 2022 will be today, June 21, 2022, traditionally known as the first day of Summer. However, as the actual time occurred at 0413 am this morning, we will NOT be in strict observance today. Instead, we use the event to honor one […]Lane Dossett
- The Palm as an emblem (Part 3) February 20, 2023After having addressed the palm as an emblem in two other portions of this essay, we will now turn to the unique and peculiar Masonic perspective, beginning with Brother Rob Morris, the second “Poet Laureate of Freemasonry,” and creator of the Order of the Eastern Star. Bro. Morris writes that the island of Patmos was […]Lane Dossett
2400 23rd Street
Meridian, MS 39301http://www.msgrandlodge.org/601-482-2914