Before the State of Nevada came into existence as a governmental body, all Nevada Masonic Lodges (eight in number) were on the Register of the Grand Lodge of California.
Washoe Lodge № 157, located in Washoe City, NV (halfway between present-day Carson City and Reno), at its stated communication of July, 1863, appointed a committee to confer with the other lodges in the area, as to the expediency of organizing a Grand Lodge for the Territory of Nevada. From some cause, the subject was dropped at that time.
In November, 1864, Virginia City Lodge № 162 and Escurial Lodge № 171 (located in the City of Virginia) appointed a joint committee to correspond with the lodges in the state, as to the expediency of organizing a Grand Lodge for the State. The appointment was responded to by the appointment of like committees from all the lodges. After a careful and deliberate consideration of the subject, the following resolutions were reported, and adopted by five lodges, there then being eight chartered lodges in the State:
WHEREAS, the subject of organizing a Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in the State of Nevada has been agitated:RESOLVED, that it is the opinion of this Lodge that it is expedient, advisable and desirable that a Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons be at once organized in the State of Nevada.RESOLVED, that if five chartered lodges, within the State, adopt similar resolutions to the foregoing, that a convention of the lodges of Free and Accepted Masons within the State of Nevada, convene at the Masonic Hall, in Virginia [City], on Monday, the sixteenth day of January, 1865, at eleven o’clock a.m., for the purpose of organizing a Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Mason in the State of Nevada; each lodge to be represented by its Masters and Wardens, whose charter shall be their credentials.RESOLVED, that the Secretary notify each lodge in the State, of our action in this matter.
The Convention assembled on the sixteenth day of January, 1865 at Masonic Hall, Virginia [City], NV and was called to order by W.B. Joseph De Bell, chairman of the joint committee and B. J.G. Bloomer, of the committee, acting as Secretary.
Most Worshipful Stephen V. Robison, Jr., Grand Master
the source/read more: gwmemorial.org
Nevada/U.S. – Freemasons rededicate Nevada State Capitol for 150th anniversary
Nevada/U.S. – GM of Nevada Rules ‘No Multiple Volumes of Sacred Law’ in Lodges
40 W First Street, STE 317
Reno, Nevada 89501nvmasons.org775-786-5261