Freemasonry has endured not because of its antiquity, its influence, or its social standing, but because there have been so many who have lived it. The effectiveness of Masonic teachings will always be the measure by which the outside world judges Freemasonry; the proof of Freemasonry is in our deeds and it is in our deeds that Freemasonry is made known to non-Masons. The only way that the Craft can be judged is by its product. The prestige of Freemasonry lies squarely on the shoulders of each of us.
G. Wilbur Best
Although Masonry is often denounced as either a political or religious “conspiracy“, Freemasons are forbidden to discuss either politics or religion within the lodge. Gary Dryfoos of the Massachusetts Institute of technology, who maintains the best Masonic site on the web, always stresses these points and also offers personal testimony that after many years as a Mason, including high ranks, he has not yet been asked to engage in pagan or Satanic rituals or plot for any reason for or against any political party. The more rabid anti-Masons, of course, dismiss such testimony as flat lies.
The enemies of Masonry, who are usually Roman Catholics or Fundamentalist Protestants, insist that the rites of the order contain “pagan” elements, e.g., the Yule festival, the Spring Solstice festival, the dead-and-resurrected martyr (Jesus, allegedly historical, to Christians; Hiram, admittedly allegorical, to Masons). All these and many other elements in Christianity and Masonry have a long prehistory in paganism, as documented in the 12 volumes of Sir James George Frazer‘s Golden Bough.
The major offense of Masonry to orthodox churches is that it, like our First Amendment, encourages equal tolerance for all religions, and this tends, somewhat, to lessen dogmatic allegiance to any one religion.Those who insist you must accept their dogma fervently and renounce all others as devilish errors, correctly see this Masonic tendency as inimitable [sic] — to their faith.
Robert Anton Wilson, in Everything Is Under Control : Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-Ups (1998)
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external links:
Critical of Freemasonry
- www.conspiracyarchive.org – Freemasonry: Midwife to an Occult Empire by Terry Melanson
- www.masoncode.com – The Jewels of Freemasonry
- www.ephesians 5-11.org – How can you lead Masons away from the Masonic Lodge?
- islamaqa.com – Islamic Anti-Masonry site
- Workers’ Movement: Marxism against Freemasonry
Supportive of Freemasonry
- srmason-sj.org – Is It True What They Say About Freemasonry? by Art DeHoyos
- masonicinfo.com – Masonic rebuttal to Anti-Masonic claims
- www.freemasonry.bcy.ca – Anti-masonry Frequently Asked Questions
- www/freemasons-freemasonry.com – Anti-Masonism in the contemporary world
Academic examinations of Anti-Masonry
- Academic Conference on Anti-masonry
- The New Anti-Masonic Movement in America, University California, Davis
- The Anti-masonry FAQ
- Current criticisms by Anti-masons
- Current state of Freemasonry in Britain
- Lucifer and Satan
- The French Revolution and the Bavarian Illuminati
- The Protocols of the Elders of Zion; a forgery
- The Morgan Affair
Robert Plot: the first attack - Anti-mason, Léo Taxil
Anti-mason, Léo Taxil’s published confession - The B.C. Catholic bears false witness
- The Anti-masonry FAQ
- All in the Mindset – An Examination of Contemporary Anti-Masonry. by W.Bro. Martin I.McGregor, Grand Steward, Freemasons New Zealand. Paper first delivered at the Research Lodge of Southland No.415 on October 10, 2006.
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion – Anti-Masonry and Anti-Semitism.– R.W.Brother Leon Zeldis 33° (Pietre-Stones)
Integralisms, Business and Media. – by R.W.Bro Bruno Gazzo, Editor of PS Review of Freemasonry.
Anti-Masons? – by W.Bro. Mike Martin PM, Mersey Lodge #5434, United Grand Lodge of England
Anti-Masonry or criticism of the Craft – R. W. Bro. Rev. Brian Burton (Pietre-Stones)