The CLHOE Federation brings together local associations that adhere to the charter of our ethics. Faithful to the spirit and will of its Founders, CLHOE’s sole purpose is to promote mutual aid and solidarity between Masons (including descendants and ascendants), to defend employment and to fight against social exclusion. CLHOE is characterized by its independence from all Masonic Obediences. It thus constitutes the only International Federation on the theme of solidarity that can rally all Masonic Lodges without a priori exclusions.
The fundamental moral values shared by Freemasons of all countries and persuasions include solidarity, mutual aid and charity. Now, in the context of a global and widespread economic crisis, the particular situation of Freemasons is not immune from rising unemployment or job insecurity and the unfortunate consequences of exclusion. For example, in France, although structures have been put in place by some chapters to address this problem, it is clear that a degree of selection occurs in the cases considered. The idea therefore is to create a worldwide scheme to effectively help masons and their families in the areas of finding employment, training, seeking internships and in general to provide personalised and free assistance. This does not involve competing with state-run services, but instead to provide complementary and effective fraternal assistance supported by the capabilities of skilled and willing Brothers and sisters.