CLUB is an elite international community supporting Masonry. At the same time, The Club serves to integrate: If you are a “regular” then you will meet “liberals” in the Club (and the other way around) and though you may not officially consider them brothers and sisters, you share a lot – common passion, knowledge of symbols and familiarity with the same ritual “language”. This closeness from the very start is a good introduction into common undertakings, including business ones.
Advantages resulting from belonging to the club are a must have for anyone seriously interested in Freemasonry, anyone who wants to be well prepared for applying and for those seeking people who could invite them to join a lodge.
Belonging to the Club brings the following benefits:
-> access to entries, available only to subscribers, including Masonic invitations among others;
-> possibility of adding comments and taking part in discussions (the forum) under articles both in the open and restricted (for those without club membership) parts of the service, the opportunity to comment and engage in dialogue with other Club members, majority of whom are Freemasons;
-> possibility to rate entries and articles (thereby giving authors and editors feedback, allowing the service to improve and fulfill its objectives better and better);
-> access to unique promotions offered by our partners (bookstores, shops with materials connected with Freemasonry), available only to Club members (such opportunities will appear in the future);
-> invitations to special meetings organized only for Club members in various parts of the world (the next meeting will take place in May 2018 in Athens, later in January 2019 in Venice, and in June 2019 in Washington DC)
-> opportunity to give concrete support to worldwide Freemasonry (the club subscription fee of $8,33 per month will be devoted to supporting and the development of our internet service, which aims at bringing the traditional and progressive Masonry together and at promoting the knowledge of ideals, principles and achievements of Freemasonry).
The requirement to become a member is to buy passive access to all hidden subpages of the service (including the comments) for 99.96 USD per Year (Grand Opening Promotion: 33 USD only!);
Club membership is Free.