The Grand Lodge of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of the State of Connecticut is the main governing body of Freemasonry in the U.S. state of Connecticut as recognized by the United Grand Lodge of England.The Grand Lodge of Connecticut is headquartered at Wallingford, Connecticut. Freemasonry was established in Connecticut in 1750. David Wooster was the charter Master of “The Lodge at New Haven”, which later became Hiram Lodge No. 1. This lodge was formed under warrant from St. John’s Provincial Grand Lodge at Boston. The Grand Lodge of Connecticut was founded on July 8, 1789 with Pierpont Edwards as its first Grand Master. At the founding of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut, it had 14 lodges with five more being chartered in the following two years. The first lodge chartered by the Grand Lodge of Connecticut was Moriah Lodge No. 15 in Brooklyn Connecticut constituted on October 15, 1790. In 1887, Hiram Lodge challenged the authority of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut to dictate the style of ritual it would use.
On October 14, 1989, the Grand Lodge of Connecticut became the first Mainstream Grand Lodge in the United States to formally recognize and maintain the recognition of Prince Hall Freemasonry. Both Grand Lodges allow dual-membership rights for its members.
external links
- Official website
- The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Connecticut
- Masonicare
- A Short History of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut A.F. & A.M.
- Notable Connecticut Freemasons