(by Craig Bunday, Peterborough Telegraph, 16th Jan 2024)
A local charity has benefitted from a Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) grant of £15,000. Volunteer Action, based in Oundle, is a small charity with one full-time and four part-time staff members and 147 volunteers. They run a community transport service and befriending scheme.
These services are open to anyone aged 65 years plus or registered disabled within the area and combat isolation and loneliness, as well as having positive health benefits. The charity has 800 registered users of the transport scheme, which enables people to keep medical appointments, go shopping, to the hairdresser and to social events. The befriending scheme has 100 registered users who receive personal home visits or telephone calls.
Long-time supporter and local Freemason…
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Long-time supporter and local Freemason…
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