Hyderabad/India – Freemasons of Telangana to walk for values

India - Freemasons of Telangana to walk for values

(by editorial board, Telengana Today, June 17, 2023)


Freemasons of Telangana are organising a Walk for Values on Sunday morning in the city. The walk will kick-start at Rotary Park at Tank Bund. To highlight the importance of values in society, AK Sharma, the Grandmaster, Head of Freemasonry in India will flag off the kilometer walk. “When there is a fast decline in moral values in these times, a walk on values is just a reminder that it is a time we keep our moral values high and spread happiness all around,” said a press release.

Around 200 members, their spouses, and family members will be taking part in this walk. The Freemasons will also be holding placards of values taught in Freemasonry such as Brotherly Love, Relief, Truth, Faith, Hope, Charity, and others while…

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Hyderabad/India - Freemasons of Telangana to walk for values


Hyderabad/India - Freemasons of Telangana to walk for values

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