(by editorial board, Isle of Wight Radio, 18 March 2024)
Steve Haines, Leader of Spithead Freemasons Lodge, based in Seaview, has chosen the foodbank as the charity for his year in office.
Steve has used the proceeds of raffles and bottle draws held at the Masonic Meetings to purchase items the foodbank can distribute.
WM Steve Haines delivered 616 bottles of Washing Up Liquid to the Foodbank.
During his time at the helm so far he has donated 1,425 toilet rolls and 740 bars of soap to the charity.
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WM Steve Haines delivered 616 bottles of Washing Up Liquid to the Foodbank.
During his time at the helm so far he has donated 1,425 toilet rolls and 740 bars of soap to the charity.
He said…
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He said…
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