Mozart the Freemason

Mozart the Freemason

(by Karla Walker, CPR Classical, January 24, 2024)


Mozart knew a lot of Freemasons. Lorenzo Da Ponte, Emanuel Schikaneder, the Esterhazys and Joseph Haydn were all Freemasons, and it is estimated that at least one in four subscribers to Mozart’s concerts in Vienna in the 1780s was a documented lodge member.

It comes as no great surprise therefore, that on December 14th, 1784, Mozart joined the ranks of the masons. Not only did Freemasonry appeal to his belief in brotherhood, human dignity and the ideals of the Enlightenment, but it also expanded his circle of friends and supporters and broadened his professional opportunities. And, perhaps most importantly, it provided him a means for financial support.

In the later years of his life, Mozart accumulated significant debts and became so desperate that he had to turn to friends and acquaintances for loans. His Freemason friends came to…

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Mozart the Freemason


Mozart the Freemason

Freemasons: 555 illustrations

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