Nebraska/US – Omaha Masonic Lodge raises with car show

(by KMTV Staff, 3KMTV News Now, July 31, 2023)


Classic cars revved engines and made a comeback in Millard. The first annual Cars for a Cause Charity Show was held at the Hobby Lobby parking lot.

The charity event was held by the Omaha Masonic Lodge. Ninety-nine classic cars were featured throughout the parking lot.

A.J. Madsen helped set up the event and says there was a lot of advertising on social media to make this happen. Madsen said the show was about giving back to the charity of choice — the Nebraska Humane Society. An animal lover himself, he says there was no better choice

“Everyone at our lodge is huge animal lovers so we figured, what a better way than to do something with animals for our first year,” said Madsen. “The humane society has a lot of …

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Nebraska/US - Omaha Masonic Lodge raises with car show


Nebraska/US - Omaha Masonic Lodge raises with car show

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