Northern Ireland – Freemasons help to give children a Christmas to remember in Lapland

Northern Ireland - Freemasons help to give children a Christmas to remember in Lapland

(by Valerie Martin, Northern Ireland World, 9th December 2022)


The lodge donated £2,750 to the Northern Ireland Children to Lapland and Days to Remember Trust (NICLT) — a charity that takes 100 deserving children to Lapland every Christmas.

The funds were raised at the lodge’s annual golf competition at Portadown bringing the total the Masonic Order has raised for the Northern Ireland Children to Lapland Trust to more than £30,000 over nine years.

With additional funding provided by the Province’s charity fund it was possible to donate a total of almost £5,000 to NICLT and…

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Northern Ireland - Freemasons help to give children a Christmas to remember in Lapland


Northern Ireland - Freemasons help to give children a Christmas to remember in Lapland

Freemasons: 555 illustrations

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