(by Sean Abel, Banbury Guardian, 2nd February 2024)
Fantastic news to report. Our biggest single donation in the nearly 40 years of our existence. £6500.00 – amazing. We owe a great debt of thanks to Sean Abel and Banbury Freemasons, Cherwell 599 Lodge. Freemason lodges appoint a new Worshipful Master every year. A big part of their work over the 12 month term is to raise money for charity. Sean contacted me last year to advise we were his nominated charity. I attended a dinner at the Lodge recently and was given a very warm welcome by everyone there along with a very enjoyable meal. At the end of the evening Sean presented me with the cheque and I said a few words about CCUK in return. (Think I got the better of the deal!!!). £6000 was the sum raised by Sean and all his colleagues. Subsequently, we…
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