Scotland – Annual installation at Masonic lodge at heart of Fife villages since 1909

Scotland - Annual installation at Masonic lodge at heart of Fife villages since 1909

(by Allan Crow, Fife Today, 31st October 2023)


The annual Installation meeting of Lodge St Fothad’s No 1059 was held in the Masonic Hall, Orebank Road, Bowhill last Saturday when Brother William Miller, in the presence of some 30 members of the Craft, was installed as Master of the Lodge for the sixth time.

The lodge has been part of the life of the ABCD villages – Auchterderran, Bowhill, Cardenden and Dundonald – since 1909 but is facing lean times as the number of brethren attending has fallen away over the…

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Scotland - Annual installation at Masonic lodge at heart of Fife villages since 1909


Scotland - Annual installation at Masonic lodge at heart of Fife villages since 1909

Freemasons: 555 illustrations

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