Texas/US – Masonic Lodge No. 180 completes repairs to hall

Texas/US - Masonic Lodge No. 180 completes repairs to hall

(by Tammy Vinson Reporter, Sulphur Springs News-Telegram, September 22, 2023)


Hopkins Lodge No. 180 received its charter in January 1856. It is chartered through the Grand Lodge of Texas, A.F. & A.M. (Ancient Free and Accepted Masons), which in turn, is recognized by the United Grand Lodge of England. At age 154, Lodge No. 180 is the oldest of three Masonic Lodges in Hopkins County.

The Lodge is housed in what used to be the Cumby Post Office at the corner of Main Street and FM 499 The storm struck Hopkins County on the night of Friday, March 3, spawning a tornado near Pickton, along with heavy rain and high winds countywide.

“It was a bad storm,” Treasurer Robert Cash recalled. “We [Lodge No. 180 members] rushed up there as soon as we…

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Texas/US - Masonic Lodge No. 180 completes repairs to hall


Texas/US - Masonic Lodge No. 180 completes repairs to hall

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