(by Tom Laventure, Your Daily Globe, May 12, 2020)
Ironwood – Area first responders and health professionals were treated to lunch on Friday by the freemasons.
Members of the Ironwood Masonic Lodge No. 389 put on their Masonic aprons, a symbol of fraternal distinction, to deliver pizzas to Gogebic County Sheriff’s Department, Aspirus Ironwood Hospital and Clinic, Beacon Ambulance Services and Ironwood Public Safety Department.
“This is the first time we’ve done it,” said Jeff Nielsen, the senior officer, or worshipful master of the Ironwood Masonic Lodge. “We’re just doing it to help out the community, and to thank the workers and the people that are doing everything.”
Nielsen said they got the pizzas at a discount and otherwise the pizzas were funded by the freemasons and …
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