Wyoming/US – America250PA, Freemasons plant Liberty Tree at Wyoming Monument

Wyoming/US - America250PA, Freemasons plant Liberty Tree at Wyoming Monument

(by Geri Gibbons, Times Leader, October 21, 2023)


America250PA, in partnership with the Pennsylvania Freemasons, planted a certified “Liberty Tree” at the Wyoming Monument on Saturday as part of a multi-year Liberty Tree Project in commemoration of the 250th anniversary of American independence. Local dignitaries spoke of the significance of planting the tulip poplar sapling as a means of memorializing history and looking to the future with hope.

During the American Revolution, the “Sons of Liberty” gathered under tulip poplar trees, called “Liberty Trees,” throughout the colonies, which became rallying points for revolutionary discourse and activism.

Though the original Boston tree was destroyed by British troops, patriots throughout the 13 colonies soon designated new Liberty Trees. The last known Liberty Tree was…

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Wyoming/US - America250PA, Freemasons plant Liberty Tree at Wyoming Monument


Wyoming/US - America250PA, Freemasons plant Liberty Tree at Wyoming Monument

Freemasons: 555 illustrations

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