(by Universal Freemasonry, 14.01.2019, the picture by Ezechiel Bates Lodge – EB1870.org)
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Brother Samuel L. Clemens, aka “Mark Twain”
[November 30, 1835 – April 21, 1910]
“He praised his Maker that he was as he was and went on enjoying his little life just the same as if he really had been deliberately designed and erected by the great Architect of the Universe.”
– Mark Twain, Innocents Abroad (1869)
Referred to as the “Father of American Literature,” Brother Samuel Clemens was a journalist, writer, and humorist, more commonly known under his pseudonym “Mark Twain.” Clemens first wrote under the alias as a newspaper reporter in 1863, referencing a Mississippi River term meaning “Mark #2” or the second mark line on a steamboat denoting safe passage depth on the river.
A self-made man who detested social snobbery and privilege, Brother Clemens took…