Devonshire/England – Hundreds donated to Little Bridge House thanks to generous Freemasons

England - Hundreds donated to Little Bridge House thanks to generous Freemasons

(by Lewis Clarke, DevonLIVE, 15 Jan 2019)


Children’s Hospice South West’s Little Bridge House has been chosen to receive a grant of £746 from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Devonshire Freemasons.

The grant comes through the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) and will be used to help provide respite care and support for the children and their families at the hospice in Fremington, North Devon.

This is just one of 237 grants to hospices around the country from Freemasons. In total £600,000 will be donated to hospices all over England and Wales this year.

This includes £300,000 which will be distributed to each hospice that receives less than 60 per cent funding from the NHS. A further £300,000 will be provided to individual hospices across England and Wales via Hospice UK, the national charity for hospice care. MCF is partnering with Hospice UK to develop and extend bereavement support services in hospices.

Contributions from Freemasons to hospices have exceeded £13 million in England and Wales since 1984 and are continuing to increase at a rate of at least £600,000 a year. The Devonshire Freemasons have been long term supporters of Children’s Hospice South West and …

read more at DevonLIVE:
England - Hundreds donated to Little Bridge House thanks to generous Freemasons


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England - Hundreds donated to Little Bridge House thanks to generous Freemasons
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