(by Sarah Brown, Cordelia Dispatch, March 27, 2024)
The Masons have been active in Cordele for 134 years and in their current location for 35 years and are the newest member of the Cordele-Crisp Chamber of Commerce. The building that they are currently located at 215 E 12th Ave, Cordele, GA is 135 years old. Third District Deputy to the Grand Mster for the State of Geogria, Brother Tommy Kimbrell spoke on what it means to be a Mason and what they do. The Free Masonry has been in the state of Georgia since 1734 and the Grand Lodge of Georgia, their governing body has been a legal body since 1786. The primary charity they serve for is the Masonic Home, which has served over 2100 children since June of 1905. This home is located in Macon 650 acre of land, and serves as the primary residential care facility for children who typically come from broken homes or their parents are unable to care for them. The main goal of this home is to eventually introduce these children back to their families. Pastor Master of the Lodge as well as the Secretary, David Simmons spoke on…
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