(by Lorne Jackson, The Herald, 25th March 2024)
Freemasons are joining the 21st century. The Grand Lodge of Scotland, founded in 1736, is altering its constitution, and lowering the membership age to 18.
Reader Philip Parry applauds this daring decision to modernise such a venerable institution by allowing trendy teens to fraternise with the grey-haired gang.
“I hear rumours,” he says, “that they’ll be replacing the secret handshake with the secret high-five. And there will be no need to roll up a trouser leg for the initiation ceremony, as new members will arrive wearing cargo shorts.”
THE SNP’s controversial Hate Crime Act is introduced on April the first, a date that its critics believe is painfully appropriate.
Is it a sensible and compassionate law to fight bigotry? Or a foolhardy attempt to…
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THE SNP’s controversial Hate Crime Act is introduced on April the first, a date that its critics believe is painfully appropriate. Is it a sensible and compassionate law to fight bigotry? Or a foolhardy attempt to…
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