Wales – Inside the secret world of the Masons and women’s Masons in Wales

Inside the secret world of the Masons and women’s Masons in Wales

(by Abbie Wightwick, Wales Online, 11 April 2021)


Blink and you could miss it. There’s no big sign and the doorway is to one side. Cardiff Masonic Hall, does not advertise its presence.

Members say they are not trying to be opaque. In 2021 they want to be more open, welcome applications to join and are ready to hire out rooms as soon as lockdown eases.

Freemasonry has long been known for secrecy, funny handshakes and mysterious ceremonies known only to members.

There have been claims and counter claims about undue influence in the workplace and corridors of power. This is strenuously denied by the organisation which has made efforts in recent years to be more transparent about what it does and doesn’t do.

Masonic lodges and halls have active and open websites where…

read more in Wales Online:

Inside the secret world of the Masons and women’s Masons in Wales


Inside the secret world of the Masons and women’s Masons in Wales

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