Massachusetts/U.S. – Freemasons Lodge Open House

Massachusetts/U.S. - Freemasons Lodge Open House

(by John Toto, Patch, October 15, 2022)


On Saturday October 15th, Joseph Warren-Soley Lodge located at 181 Lincoln Road in Lincoln is holding an open house from 9 AM to 3 PM. If you are interested in learning more about the ancient fraternity called Freemasonry, now is your opportunity. Stop in, see the inner lodge room, and ask a Mason your questions. Discover why so many men through the ages have been a part of Freemasonry. Men such as George Washington, Ben Franklin, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Thurgood Marshall, John Glenn, Mozart, even country singer Brad Paisley and many others have been a part of this brotherhood.

The Joseph Warren-Soley Lodge was established in 1856. The Lodge has 100 active members, who reside in Wayland, Sudbury, Lincoln, and surrounding areas. The brothers will be firing up the grill and…

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Massachusetts/U.S. - Freemasons Lodge Open House


Massachusetts/U.S. - Freemasons Lodge Open House

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