(by Brittany Fholer, Copperas Cover Leader Press, November 2, 2022)
Mt. Hiram Masonic Lodge No. 595 of Copperas Cove recognized two individuals, from Central Texas College and Fort Hood, with the lodge’s award for Law Enforcement Officer of the Year during the 45th Respect for the Rule of Law ceremony held Tuesday evening at the lodge.
This year’s ceremony marked a momentous occasion with the lodge recognizing two officers and also recognizing individuals from organizations that have not been recognized in the lodge’s history.
The lodge recognized Sgt. Dexter Ferdinand, of the Central Texas College Police Department, and Sgt. Jesse C. Mora IV, of the 411th MP Company at Fort Hood.
“It is our privilege this year to recognize two such individuals, both from departments we have never recognized before, and long overdue, I might add,” said Jim Cooney, chairman of the Selection Committee for 2022. “The Masonic Order has long recognized our personal and fraternal responsibilities to obey and support our law enforcement departments and the laws they’re sworn to support, defend, and even enforce. One of the first charges given to a new Entered Apprentice Mason, following his initiation, states that as a citizen, he is to be a quiet and peaceful subject, true to his government, and just to his country. He is not to countenance disloyalty or rebellion, but patiently subject to legal authority and conform with cheerfulness to the government of the country in which he resides, wherever that may be, and I can assure you that we as Masons do not take that charge lightly.”
Cooney said that the Lodge’s Selection Committee received several outstanding recommendations and could not select just one to honor this year.
The first recipient, Sgt. Dexter Ferdinand is a member of the Central Texas College Police Department. His recommendation was…
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“It is our privilege this year to recognize two such individuals, both from departments we have never recognized before, and long overdue, I might add,” said Jim Cooney, chairman of the Selection Committee for 2022. “The Masonic Order has long recognized our personal and fraternal responsibilities to obey and support our law enforcement departments and the laws they’re sworn to support, defend, and even enforce. One of the first charges given to a new Entered Apprentice Mason, following his initiation, states that as a citizen, he is to be a quiet and peaceful subject, true to his government, and just to his country. He is not to countenance disloyalty or rebellion, but patiently subject to legal authority and conform with cheerfulness to the government of the country in which he resides, wherever that may be, and I can assure you that we as Masons do not take that charge lightly.”
Cooney said that the Lodge’s Selection Committee received several outstanding recommendations and could not select just one to honor this year.
The first recipient, Sgt. Dexter Ferdinand is a member of the Central Texas College Police Department. His recommendation was…
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The first recipient, Sgt. Dexter Ferdinand is a member of the Central Texas College Police Department. His recommendation was…
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