Florida Freemasons

Florida Freemasons
A Message From The Grand Master
My Brothers, serving this great Fraternity as Grand Master is the highest honor that could be bestowed upon anyone, and there are not enough words that express to you how deeply privileged and humbled I am by this honor.
My vision statement is “Strength in Numbers; Power in Education”. Our membership has declined over the past few decades; we are no longer the driving force that we once were. Our numbers have dwindled from over 80,000 to 34,000. We can, and will, grow our Fraternity back to strength, all while guarding the West Gate. I truly believe that there are more than adequate numbers of good men, both young and old, who are looking for what our Fraternity offers. To assist our Lodges in membership,
I have enlisted the help of some Brothers who have been very successful with Social
Media. With their help and guidance, every Lodge can have the potential to grow and
become successful.
In our symbolic beginning, the only way one became “a better man” was through the
transfer of knowledge by a skilled “Master”. Apprentices and Fellow Crafts learned a
trade by working with a Master until they gained the knowledge and skill of a Master.
The same as it should be in our Lodges. Lodge Mentors, Catechism Instructors, and the Craft should be a limitless source of information for new Brothers. Our learning shouldn’t stop with the Master Mason Proficiency, as it would only benefit the Craft to increase their knowledge in both the fraternal and business aspect of our Fraternity.
Throughout time it has always been said that knowledge is power, and I encourage each of you to become powerful.
In closing, may the Great Architect of the Universe watch over you, your family, First
Responders, and our Military. God Bless the USA.
Grand Master of Masons of The Grand Lodge F&AM of the State of Florida

Contact Info

Address: 220 North Ocean Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202

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