Would you like a fully professional Masonic information service?
Would you like a fully professional Masonic information service?
Our goal:
Our main goal is to become a fully professional online news service. That would be the first such Masonic Web Portal ever. That’s why we set up our profile on Patreon. Now everyone can easily support us.
What we already have: We are already one of the largest Masonic Web Portals in the world. Our web portal publishes daily news from the world of Freemasonry and contains an immense amount of systematic and categorized, reliable knowledge about the Craft – including more than 1000 embedded films and hundreds of links to credible articles found on many other portals and websites. FREEMASONRY.network is currently the main promoter of the #EnoughIsEnough campaign by regularly publishing information aimed at creating a positive image of Freemasonry. We cooperate with the most popular Masonic portals, such as The Phoenixmasonry Masonic Museum and Library, vlogs – including The Masonic Roundtable and What is a Mason – and podcasts like Whence came you?.
Our plan: We currently publish one new post every day. • When we get over $250 a month, we will start publishing two posts a day. • When we get over $500 a month, we will start publishing four posts a day. • When we get over $1,000 a month, we will start rebuilding our website to become a professional Masonic information Web Portal. • When we have more funds, we will pay our correspondents and authors, it will allow our Web Portal to grow quickly.
What do you get right away: • the weekly Newsletter • patron-only posts • access to a closed Facebook group • the forums (internal comment system of our Web Portal), • the hidden pages of our Web Portal, • you can vote in the rankings, • rank the articles • rank the posts. • Our VIP Patrons get all of the above benefits • Each of our VIP Patrons receive a personalized, printable diploma by e-mail (PDF file) (if he wants it). • Each of our VIP Patron is mentioned on the special webpage: https://freemasonry.network/our-vip-patrons/ (if he wants it). • Fan request: VIP Patrons may propose topics for new subpages of our website. These subpages may, for example, refer to a particular Grand Lodge or a specific masonic topic.
Becoming a Patron you not only get access to an increasing number of features but also support the development (both quantity & quality) of our Web Portal. Thank you!